Outfit7 Announces Investment in Hopalai’s KOBI eReader

June 18, 2023

We are excited to announce that Outfit7 is officially partnering up with Slovenian company, Hopalai. The startup is behind the eReader app, KOBI, which was developed specifically to help children with reading difficulties. 

This partnership comes as part of our latest initiative to identify and support innovative business ventures with significant positive impacts. Speaking of the venture partnership, Igor Lautar, Senior VP of Sales, Growth, and Investments at Outfit7, highlighted that: "education is a critical area of focus for Outfit7, and Hopalai's dedication to aiding children with reading difficulties makes them an ideal partner for us".

Hopalai's founder, Ursula Lavrenčič, expressed her delight in having Outfit7 as a partner, stating that the partnership will help them scale their app using artificial intelligence and GPT technology. Those interested in learning more about Outfit7's commitment to discovering new opportunities in the gaming industry are encouraged to visit our new joint ventures page.

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